Jiro and Goro, Undead Pirate Crew - A couple of derpy Hanzaki Pirate crew members who were unfortunate enough to die as part of Kenki’s ship, and then got lured in by Hagetaka’s ghostly host! They weren’t very bright to begin with, and becoming undead hasn’t improved them much.
Akumaru, Hikiga Undead Pirate
Akumaru was the first mate on board Kenki’s ship, when it met its unfortunate end at the hands of the Imperial Navy. Bound to the wheel of his ship, his soul has been captured by Hagetaka, and is doomed to follow him for the rest of eternity. As villainous as he was during his lifetime, he’s even more frightening now that he’s risen from the dead.
This is a print from CobraMode. Models may come in multiple parts. Model will be printed in Grey. Photos are courtesy of CobraMode.
This is a highly detailed fantasy resin model. Custom scaling available upon request.
©Source models are copyright by CobraMode and provided through license agreement.
*Filling, priming, sanding and painting is not complete. All models are physical objects that are 3d printed to order and shipped to you as a whole or in a kit (3D printed modular pieces) if the model has one (Mostly large miniatures/terrains).
About the material:
Resin models are printed at 30um to 50um layers giving the best detail possible depending on item. PLA models are printed between .08mm and .15mm layers for best possible detail. PLA is a compostable bioplastic. I work with my local authorities to recycle all products I can to include resin bottles which are otherwise toxic waste.
Materials: RESIN.
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